Once Creative menu and debug mode are now off you may now kill the bandits and every kill will count towards the achievements. Step 6: now this is important BEFORE YOU KILL THE BANDITS YOU MUST EXIT DEBUG MODE AND CREATIVE MENU to do this simply press f1 again and type dm and cm into the console to exit them. NOTE: WHERE YOUR CROSS HAIR IS POINTING IS ROUGHLY WHERE THE BANDITS WILL SPAWN SO MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOOKING INSIDE THE PEN. Now the Entity you want to spawn is a MELEE BANDIT spawn as many as you would like in your pen that you built in step 4 I recommend only spawning 10-20 if you have a low to average pc because it will cause lag. Step 5: now to actually spawn the bandits press F6 on your keyboard to open the Entity menu which will allow you to spawn any entity in the game. and then build a small tower so you don’t kill yourself with splash damage. Now with your blocks build a a medium sized pen so that way the bandits cant run away. Step 4: Open the creative menu by pressing u and select some blocks/weapon I would recommend the rocket launcher for the splash damage because you will be spawning several bandits(the npc’s that count as player kills). This will enable the Creative Menu and the Debug Menu. Step 3: once in your new world press F1 to open the console, once open type dm and hit enter then type cm and hit enter. Step 2: Launch the game! once its started create a new game and in the game options turn zombie spawning off (this isn’t necessary it just makes it so you don’t have to worry about other zombies. Once selected this should start downloading the new version through steam ( you can check its progress by clicking downloads at the bottom of your screen) Once it’s done downloading you can move onto the next step.
Step 1: Right click 7DTD in your library and go to properties then click Betas, this will open a drop down list of all the previous versions, the one you want to select is alpha 15.2 Stable. To do this all you need to do is load an older version of the game which had an npc that counts as a player kill. Now there are currently two ways to get this achievement (and other player kills related achievements) and that is doing it legit (which requires a boosting partner and several hours) or by doing it by yourself in a single player world. The minibike will help you get around but what if you could use a BLIMP! This mod will give you way more options including jet pack, parachute, battle bus, and an armored car.This is a guide to get all player kill achievements in a single player world without the use of mods. One issue a lot of people have with 7 Days is the lack of vehicles.